2001 Space Odyssey Movie Titles – After Effects Template

1080p, 1960s, 2001, A Space Odyssey, After Effects, sprach Zarathustra, animated, Arthur C. Clarke, astronomy, CGI, classical music, credits, earth, editable, epic, evolution, film, galaxy, Hal, HD, high definition, interstellar, life, MGM, moon, movie, music, opening, project, remastered, sci-fi, science, science fiction, score, soundtrack, space, space odyssey, spacecraft, Stanley Kubrick, star gate, stars, sun, template, titles, universe, voyage


A re-creation of Stanley Kubrik’s masterful 2001: Space Odyssey opening title sequence constructed entirely in After Effects – no images or extra plugins needed.

You’ll need the Gill Sans font installed to replicate perfectly.

Whilst totally (and enjoyably) analysing the original 2001 titles it became obvious, to a motion graphics designer, that simply placing text spots at musical prompts was not done in the 60’s – and rightly so. The text appears, on the face of it, with total disregard to the musical cues – and this adds drama. The visuals are slow and atmospheric, supporting text which is abrupt and unnerving, whilst the soundtrack is simply the best music you’ll ever hear in an opening sequence for a movie.

A real masterpiece in movie opening sequences, setting the emotional tone for the entire film. Only surpassed by the opening titles for Bladerunner, in my opinion.

Not Included

Music is NOT INCLUDED in the download. I found the track here.

Software Requirements

This project requires Adobe After Effects CS5 (and above) to edit.

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